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This installation provides sound feedback. Please TURN ON the sound by clicking the sound icon in the bottom right corner of the video to fully experience all the video documentation on this page.


Embrace is a 360-degree painting, a tactile canvas that 

responds to touch by generating sound when interacted with.

Within the frame, specific areas, representing the organic and mechanical components, trigger distinct sound ranges at varying frequencies.


Transhumanism 07, Illustration Incorporated in Embrace, 2023


Proposal for Interactive Installation

Concept Sketch, Pozen Center, Embrace, 2023

Concept and Design

A machine that embraces and invites organic matter (humans) to foster a unique connection with itself, contrary to our typical contemporary experiences. In our daily lives, we use computers, smartphones, household appliances, cars, and power grids, but there's often a sense of detachment. We tend to treat these machines as separate entities.

In the coming times, these machines will be much more than just objects of use. They will be companions, friends, supporters, and guides. Let's, for once, contemplate the idea of considering these things as having their own sentience.

Interactive Installation

Initial Sketch, Embrace, 2024

Design and Prototyping

Embrace underwent several stages, including initial sketches, material research, technology development, and prototyping. I first presented the initial sketch in 2022.

In the class, I learned to use Isadora, an interaction design flow-based programming software I used for the project. I also used TouchDesigner, a visual programming language that allows users to create real-time interactive multimedia content.

Prototype 1

I began with a cylindrical structure and used a repurposed traffic drum as its base. I developed an interactive surface using conductive ink and connected it to an Arduino to sense touch. The initial tests were done on cardboard for conductivity and touch responsiveness.

I began with a cylindrical structure and used a repurposed traffic drum as its base. I developed an interactive surface using conductive ink and connected it to an Arduino to sense touch. The initial tests were done on cardboard for conductivity and touch responsiveness.

Prototype 1, Embrace, 2024

Prototype 2

The second prototype was a refinement of the process, with improved audio using high-quality speakers. The sensor was intricately linked to Max/MSP, a software popular among musicians and multimedia artists. The Max patch modulated the pitch, frequency, and volume based on numerical data from the conductive paint.

Prototype 2, Embrace, 2024


Prototype 2, Embrace, 2024

Interactive Installation

Final Construction, Embrace, 2024

Final Construction

Based on the initial proposal, I got the opportunity to actually construct the piece in Stainless Steel.

Constructing the stainless steel cylinder involved acquiring new skills in welding, metal cutting, and bending. I ordered stainless steel strips and sheets, cut and shaped them to form the cylindrical structure, and gained valuable welding experience.

After priming and painting the metal surface to make it non-conductive, I carefully layered the illustration with conductive ink, ensuring the circuit remained intact. This meticulous process, although time-consuming, was accomplished in a single day, followed by pasting the illustration inside the ring. 

Project Documentation

Interactive Installation
Interactive Installation
Future proofing

Moving the 5-foot circumference stainless steel ring was challenging, so I decided to cut it into three manageable pieces. I plan to either clamp the pieces together or use them as separate bent surfaces for interaction, making the ring multipurpose. No longer a complete ring, it now sits in my basement, waiting for the perfect moment to come out and shine!

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